Cave Art
Primeval art resurrected. This seven-work series aims to re-create the primal power and beauty of scenes from caves of Altamira (14,500 B.C.) in northern Spain and Chauvet-Pont-d' Arc (30,000 B.C.) and Lascaux (15,500 B.C.) in southern France. Cro-Magnon shaman artists brilliantly coalesced the elements of abstract visual language -- composition, color, texture, line, shape, form, and pattern in their simplest expressions -- to imagine reverential masterworks of the lives, movements, and spiritual energy of the animals of their world. Most of the paintings of my series, ironically -- or appropriately, were fashioned while in my own "cave" during COVID lockdowns and throughout an 11-month-long isolating illness. In my interpretations, a stucco base affects the uneven surface and cauliflower texture on the limestone caves. My other techniques are specified as updates to inventive prehistoric technologies.